How To Remove Pet Stains From Carpet Using A Carpet Cleaning Machine & My Pet Peed Pet Stain & Odor Remover

Although ‘My Pet Peed – Pet Stain & Odor Remover’ wasn’t really designed to be used in a carpet cleaning machine, we have quite a few fellow pet owners who have done it successfully. 

In this video, I will share with you the step-by-step process for how to remove pet stains and odors from carpet using a carpet cleaning machine and My Pet Peed.

My Pet Peed will work to permanently remove both the stains and odors associates with bacterial decomposition caused by urine, feces, vomit, blood, and pretty much anything else that can come out of a living/breathing animal or human being.

The product works by breaking down the odor causing bacteria into elemental compounds that  have no odor, therefore removing both the stain and odor regardless of the source, condition, or age of the accident.

When using My Pet Peed in a carpet cleaner machine, the first point to remember is that you do not want to dilute the product before adding it to the machine. Use the product at 100% strength only. No water, no other chemicals, etc.

The solution has already been formulated to the optimal strength to work, and get the job done. Adding more water not only hinders the effectiveness of the product, but also the minerals and additives in tap water can actually contaminate the product and cause it not to work.

The second key is that you only want the machine to add and scrub ‘My Pet Peed’ into the carpet. The solution needs time to breakdown the stains and odors, and if you immediately use the suction feature to extract the product, it will not have had the chance to work fully.

We recommend you let the solution sit, work, and do it’s thing for at least 3-4 hours, and actually, the longer the better.

My Pet Peed does not contain any harsh chemicals, bleaches, enzymes (and it actually breaks down into pure oxygen and h20 within 24-36 hours).

So technically, they only reason you MAY NEED to actually come back with the machine in suction mode would be to remove any excess moisture. But letting the product air-dry will not hurt anything, and is totally acceptable.

Depending on how bad the affected area is, you may need to do additional applications. Tough pet stains and odors (especially ones where the animal has soiled the same area repeatedly), are somewhat like an onion. You may have to work on them one layer at a time.

My Pet Peed will go to work on the outermost layer first, depending on how bad, how old, or how many layers of accident there are, the solution maybe able to work on multiple layers at a time, but just a heads up if the the smell isn’t 100% gone after the first application. Don’t worry.

Just repeat the process until of applying, and letting the solution work,  until the stain and odors are completely gone.

The only two reasons My Pet Peed will appear to not have worked is A) the accident area is actually bigger, or may layered than you might have thought. And in this case if you just stay diligent with the repeated applications, My Pet Peed WILL WORK.

The only other reason My Pet Peed may not appear to work is if the stains have been treated with another product or cleaner that had left a trace chemical residue. In this case, our solution cannot get past the other residue to actually get down to the affected area.

Normally, My Pet Peed does not require any scrubbing, but in this case scrubbing may help break down that outer ‘trace chemical residue’ and allow the product to work. This is where the carpet cleaners bristle motion can help.
The last thing to mention about carpet cleaning machines is just be very careful how and where you use them. Because what actually happens when you use them with the cleaning solution they recommend, is that you are actually introducing a soapy solution into the carpet. 

What no one tells you is that unless you get all that soapy residue back out, when it dries, it leaves a sticky film in the carpet. This sticky film attracts dirt, debris and dust like a magnet.

Think about how sticky laundry detergent is (that gets spilt on the top of the washing machine), the same principle is at work here.

So what you’ll often begins to see about using a carpet cleaning machine is that the carpet starts to look dingy and dirty after about 2-3 months of using the machine. This sticky residue that is left with the machine is exactly what is causing this problem.

Our recommendation is to just the machines with hot water, and the scrub cycle to clean the general carpet. Then,  if you have stains and odors in a certain area you can apply My Pet Peed with the machine to those specific areas.

I hope this video was able to shed some light on how you can clean pet stains and odors from carpet using a carpet cleaning machine and My Pet Peed – Pet Stain & Odor Remover

If you need gallons (or bulk) of ‘My Pet Peed’ for this carpet cleaning project you can order them at

17 thoughts on “How To Remove Pet Stains From Carpet Using A Carpet Cleaning Machine & My Pet Peed Pet Stain & Odor Remover

  1. Denise @ My Pet Peed says:

    Hi Amy,

    If you have stains in the carpet, don’t pre clean with your bissel. The water is only going to spread the stains around and make the area to clean up larger. Use MPP to spot treat and get the stains out first, then you can go over the whole carpet with your cleaner if needed.

  2. Denise @ My Pet Peed says:

    The UV is only to show you where to treat, it’s not an indication of success. Some may go away under the UV, some will always show salt crystals

  3. Denise @ My Pet Peed says:

    Hi Randy,

    In many ways. We don’t use enzymes, we don’t use any soap. Our product actually breaks down the bacteria into a gas and evaporates. Nothing is ever left behind.

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