I don't usually go to the trouble of leaving a review for a product. Especially if it is unsolicited. I had to leave a review for my pet peed. This is absolutely the most amazing product I have ever used! I had some urine stains that I know were two years old. I had the carpet professionally cleaned and the stains treated twice. They came back both times. I used My Pet Peed as directed, I sprayed about twenty times and walked away. I did one stain at a time. I went to work after spraying the stains and checked them in the evening when I got home. I couldn't believe it, the stains were completely gone! That was a few weeks ago. Still no stains! I will always keep a bottle on hand for accidents. Thank you, I was afraid I was going to have to replace my carpet and there was no way I could afford to do that. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

I don't usually go to the trouble of leaving a review for a product. Especially if it is unsolicited. I had to leave a review for my pet peed. This is absolutely the most amazing product I have ever used! I had some urine stains that I know were two years old. I had the carpet professionally cleaned and the stains treated twice. They came back both times. I used My Pet Peed as directed, I sprayed about twenty times and walked away. I did one stain at a time. I went to work after spraying the stains and checked them in the evening when I got home. I couldn't believe it, the stains were completely gone! That was a few weeks ago. Still no stains! I will always keep a bottle on hand for accidents. Thank you, I was afraid I was going to have to replace my carpet and there was no way I could afford to do that. Thank you, thank you, thank you!