This product works. I have been spot cleaning since I received my shipment last week. AMAZING! There was a stain that reappeared the week after we moved here. Not sure if it was wine or something worse. I treated it one time and its almost gone. I will re-treat and see if it disappears. Have a new dog that was allegedly potty trained, I have hit all of her pee spots that are visible, and they are gone. May need to get the black light to address them all. Long post, but yes it works!!

This product works. I have been spot cleaning since I received my shipment last week. AMAZING! There was a stain that reappeared the week after we moved here. Not sure if it was wine or something worse. I treated it one time and its almost gone. I will re-treat and see if it disappears. Have a new dog that was allegedly potty trained, I have hit all of her pee spots that are visible, and they are gone. May need to get the black light to address them all. Long post, but yes it works!!