I've tried so many different products trying to get rid of the urine smell that my very handsome, very special, adopted cat has left all over my apartment to no avail...
I came across My Pet Peed on Facebook. I watched the videos, read comments, read the entire website, checked out pricing, didn't purchase it, came back to repeat all of the above multiple times, until I finally pulled the trigger. Even once it arrived, it sat in the box for 2 months. I didn't want to be let down again...so I was in no rush to try it

Last week I got that spring cleaning bug and deep cleaned my entire apartment. Leaving only the pee stains. So I pulled it out, told the kids I was spraying it and to keep clear of the area. I was shocked to come home from work the next day to the spots being drastically lighter! Almost as if it just vanished. I quickly ran out of what I had (my spots definitely needed more than one application) and have ordered 2 more gallons and cannot wait for it to come!
Not only does it remove the smell, it removeks the stain! The liquid itself has absolutely no odor. It does intensify the smell of the urine at first, but then it just goes away.
I am beyond thrilled and honestly will be a patron for life. If you have pets that pee, poop, vomit, or whatever anywhere they shouldn't, this is the stuff you need to get rid of it! I honestly wish I would have found it sooner.
I am so grateful for My Pet Peed.
(pictured is the guy responsible for all the stains...he came to me broken, but I still love him)