I will NEVER cheap out again!
November 24th, 2019
This is the most amazing thing ever invented for puppy accidents! We were struggling to keep the smell out even though we thoroughly cleaned after each accident. it was not working. I looked for solutions and tried a number of different products. Some of them were useless. Some of them were so-so. I came across My Pet Peed on FB and gave it a shot. Thank God I did! The first couple days were rough. The smell got worse and I started to question the purchase. I remembered the post though that said to be patient. It was hard but I did it. Day 4 was like walking into another house. No urine smell at all. I couldn't believe it! After weeks of that unpleasant smell, it was gone. Hallelujah! Move forward a few months and we got another new puppy. I'm ashamed to admit it but I cheaped out and bought something that said it was as good as My Pet Peed. I saved $20 on the gallon. Sounds good in theory. The reality ... not so good. My house once again smelled like urine but now it also smelled like peppermint. Peppermint urine. BLECH! I ordered My Pet Peed again and my house smells like it should. Instead of saving $20 buying something else, I lost $40 because I had to buy the product that actually worked ...My Pet Peed. It is worth every penny and I will NEVER cheap out again!
I will NEVER cheap out again!
2019-11-24yenenThis is the most amazing thing ever invented for puppy accidents! We were struggling to keep the smell out even though we thoroughly cleaned after each accident. it was not working. I looked for solutions and tried a number of different products. Some of them were useless. Some of them were so-so. I came across My Pet Peed on FB and gave it a shot. Thank God I did! The first couple days were rough. The smell got worse and I started to question the purchase. I remembered the post though that said to be patient. It was hard but I did it. Day 4 was like walking into another house. No urine smell at all. I couldn't believe it! After weeks of that unpleasant smell, it was gone. Hallelujah! Move forward a few months and we got another new puppy. I'm ashamed to admit it but I cheaped out and bought something that said it was as good as My Pet Peed. I saved $20 on the gallon. Sounds good in theory. The reality ... not so good. My house once again smelled like urine but now it also smelled like peppermint. Peppermint urine. BLECH! I ordered My Pet Peed again and my house smells like it should. Instead of saving $20 buying something else, I lost $40 because I had to buy the product that actually worked ...My Pet Peed. It is worth every penny and I will NEVER cheap out again!
I will NEVER cheap out again!I will NEVER cheap out again!55stars
This is the most amazing thing ever invented for puppy accidents! We were struggling to keep the smell out even though we thoroughly cleaned after each accident. it was not working. I looked for solutions and tried a number of different products. Some of them were useless. Some of them were so-so. I came across My Pet Peed on FB and gave it a shot. Thank God I did! The first couple days were rough. The smell got worse and I started to question the purchase. I remembered the post though that said to be patient. It was hard but I did it. Day 4 was like walking into another house. No urine smell at all. I couldn't believe it! After weeks of that unpleasant smell, it was gone. Hallelujah! Move forward a few months and we got another new puppy. I'm ashamed to admit it but I cheaped out and bought something that said it was as good as My Pet Peed. I saved $20 on the gallon. Sounds good in theory. The reality ... not so good. My house once again smelled like urine but now it also smelled like peppermint. Peppermint urine. BLECH! I ordered My Pet Peed again and my house smells like it should. Instead of saving $20 buying something else, I lost $40 because I had to buy the product that actually worked ...My Pet Peed. It is worth every penny and I will NEVER cheap out again!