My carpets have been through 3 dogs. 2 elderly dogs who couldn’t/can’t hold their urine and the puppy stages when the puppy pees where it smells other pee. I have towels at the ready to stomp out the accidents and immediately spray w Thieves cleaner. I have my carpet estimates all set but almost every room needs replaced. I also want to wait bc my elderly dog will ruin the new carpet too. I decided to take a chance on this product and use it in the rooms that aren’t so bad and only replace the bad rooms. I tried it in a few areas and was ABSOLUTELY shocked that the spots were gone the next day. I started using it in ‘visible areas’ and the spots came up! Here is the crazy part, the smells are disappearing!!! I would recommend this highly - I have tried everything! Every combination of bleach, water, vinegar, baking soda, essential oils, name a pet remedy and I have tried it. I thought this was too good to be true but I was wrong!! It really works!

My carpets have been through 3 dogs. 2 elderly dogs who couldn’t/can’t hold their urine and the puppy stages when the puppy pees where it smells other pee. I have towels at the ready to stomp out the accidents and immediately spray w Thieves cleaner. I have my carpet estimates all set but almost every room needs replaced. I also want to wait bc my elderly dog will ruin the new carpet too. I decided to take a chance on this product and use it in the rooms that aren’t so bad and only replace the bad rooms. I tried it in a few areas and was ABSOLUTELY shocked that the spots were gone the next day. I started using it in ‘visible areas’ and the spots came up! Here is the crazy part, the smells are disappearing!!! I would recommend this highly - I have tried everything! Every combination of bleach, water, vinegar, baking soda, essential oils, name a pet remedy and I have tried it. I thought this was too good to be true but I was wrong!! It really works!