Just wanted to get back to you regarding my experience with My Pet
Peed. We had a very old cat who had been sneaking into our closet to
go potty. This had been happening for quite some time. It's a closet
I rarely go in so I didn't know for awhile until the smell was
obvious. I tried many different products and the smell always came
back. After the first application of your product, the smell went
away, for a couple days, but then came back, so I did a second
application with the same result. After a 3rd application, I was
beginning to think the product was a failure, but decided to give it
another try since the smell had been so bad to begin with. It worked!
The smell has not come back. We are thrilled. Also, on another
note. My 3yr. old grandbaby had an accident at preschool and peed her
clothes which they changed, but unfortunately the pee went into her
shoes and she had them on all day. I took them off when she got home
and the smell was incredible. So I put them in the washing machine.
That smell became more of a rotten smell rather than urine. So I
decided to try your product. Once again after several applications,
the smell has gone away. Once again I thought it wasn't going to work
but kept trying with a successful outcome.
I'm very pleased and would definitely buy it again. You do have to
end up using quite a bit more than planned but is worth it in the long
run. Thank you!
Toni McMurtrey

Just wanted to get back to you regarding my experience with My Pet
Peed. We had a very old cat who had been sneaking into our closet to
go potty. This had been happening for quite some time. It's a closet
I rarely go in so I didn't know for awhile until the smell was
obvious. I tried many different products and the smell always came
back. After the first application of your product, the smell went
away, for a couple days, but then came back, so I did a second
application with the same result. After a 3rd application, I was
beginning to think the product was a failure, but decided to give it
another try since the smell had been so bad to begin with. It worked!
The smell has not come back. We are thrilled. Also, on another
note. My 3yr. old grandbaby had an accident at preschool and peed her
clothes which they changed, but unfortunately the pee went into her
shoes and she had them on all day. I took them off when she got home
and the smell was incredible. So I put them in the washing machine.
That smell became more of a rotten smell rather than urine. So I
decided to try your product. Once again after several applications,
the smell has gone away. Once again I thought it wasn't going to work
but kept trying with a successful outcome.
I'm very pleased and would definitely buy it again. You do have to
end up using quite a bit more than planned but is worth it in the long
run. Thank you!
Toni McMurtrey