I live in south Florida. It has been really muggy for the last month.
I have been spending this month doing a deep clean of my camper for my month long escape to New England in July.
I cleaned the carpet with vinegar that worked really well on the 18 year old carpet ( looks new ). But the camper still smelled like cat pee.
There was one section of the carpet that I didn't clean as it was under the bed.
I had bought some MyPetPeed a few years ago and treated the carpet but now I needed to do it again.
So, I sprayed the part that I didn't clean with the vinager and sure enough, It foamed up on a spot about 6 inches in diameter. On the part of the carpet that I treated 2 years ago it didn't foam up, so, evidently I missed this part last time. I treated that area with a heavy drenching of solution, and I used the spray on the rest of the camper to see if any place would foam up.
No other place did foam up.
I left it alone No scrubbing, nothing but solution on the carpet.
Went back in 1 hour later and the smell is COMPLETELY gone.
I am just amazed.
I've had this camper for 5 years and cat smell was always a problem when ever it rained.
I can not believe how good this product works.
For those that say it doesn't work, its most likely because you have tried many other chemicals on the spot and those chemicals are killing the enzymes that need to be alive to work.
Because for me. it worked within 30 minuets .
Its a great product.

I live in south Florida. It has been really muggy for the last month.
I have been spending this month doing a deep clean of my camper for my month long escape to New England in July.
I cleaned the carpet with vinegar that worked really well on the 18 year old carpet ( looks new ). But the camper still smelled like cat pee.
There was one section of the carpet that I didn't clean as it was under the bed.
I had bought some MyPetPeed a few years ago and treated the carpet but now I needed to do it again.
So, I sprayed the part that I didn't clean with the vinager and sure enough, It foamed up on a spot about 6 inches in diameter. On the part of the carpet that I treated 2 years ago it didn't foam up, so, evidently I missed this part last time. I treated that area with a heavy drenching of solution, and I used the spray on the rest of the camper to see if any place would foam up.
No other place did foam up.
I left it alone No scrubbing, nothing but solution on the carpet.
Went back in 1 hour later and the smell is COMPLETELY gone.
I am just amazed.
I've had this camper for 5 years and cat smell was always a problem when ever it rained.
I can not believe how good this product works.
For those that say it doesn't work, its most likely because you have tried many other chemicals on the spot and those chemicals are killing the enzymes that need to be alive to work.
Because for me. it worked within 30 minuets .
Its a great product.