My big hippo of a pitty goes with me EVERY where in my car. I have a seat protector on the back seat and even tho I take it out from time to time and wash it, my vehicle still smells like "dog"! And on a recent trip my dog became nauseas and had diarrhea and threw up on the seat protector but because it was water proof it rolled off the protector and down back behind a crevice....ick! Even tho I tried to clean it up when I got home it still smelled horrible. And I have used my pet peed in my home before so I ordered more and it arrived in 2 days!! I immediately sprayed my car every soft surface! And left it to dry. The next day I went to leave in my car that had been sitting in the hot 90 degree weather...and I was FLOORED yet again not one trace of dog odor. No air freshners no cover ups! My husband kept saying I was gonna have to get an expensive detail job done or sell my car! This stuff is TRULY TRULY worth ever penny and then some! And unlike other stuff that smell doesn't creep back in. It doesn't mask the smell it irradicates it! Thank you for this amazing product!

My big hippo of a pitty goes with me EVERY where in my car. I have a seat protector on the back seat and even tho I take it out from time to time and wash it, my vehicle still smells like "dog"! And on a recent trip my dog became nauseas and had diarrhea and threw up on the seat protector but because it was water proof it rolled off the protector and down back behind a crevice....ick! Even tho I tried to clean it up when I got home it still smelled horrible. And I have used my pet peed in my home before so I ordered more and it arrived in 2 days!! I immediately sprayed my car every soft surface! And left it to dry. The next day I went to leave in my car that had been sitting in the hot 90 degree weather...and I was FLOORED yet again not one trace of dog odor. No air freshners no cover ups! My husband kept saying I was gonna have to get an expensive detail job done or sell my car! This stuff is TRULY TRULY worth ever penny and then some! And unlike other stuff that smell doesn't creep back in. It doesn't mask the smell it irradicates it! Thank you for this amazing product!